Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Nature Essay

Lisa Rotella
Nature Essay

Despite the many things that are created from cutting down trees, I abhor the fact that trees are being destroyed because trees provide a home for many creatures, they are the lungs of our world, and trees have medicinal benefits that are useful to the human race. Trees are very beneficial to the world and it is immoral to keep destroying the trees that at times feeds us and keeps the air clean.
When we destroy trees we destroy the lives of living organisms. Many animals live in trees and eat off trees. Birds, for example, use trees for nesting, food, and shelter. Even human beings eat off the fruit that grows from trees. Such fruits are apples, oranges, cherries, and peaches. Trees also supply chocolate, coffee, maple syrup, and spice such a cinnamon. The more we destroy these trees the less food there is and fewer homes there are for animals.
Trees have been used as medicine for many years. The Chinese have used the Ginkgo tree for many centuries as tea to cure respiratory illness, such as asthma. Today the Ginkgo leaf has been used to treat varies aliments such as Alzheimer and depression. Native Americans have used aspen bark for reducing fever and fighting influenza. The bark of the cinchona contains quinine, which is another treatment for influenza.
In addition to medicinal benefits, estimates show that industrial production, trucks, and cars produce eighty-eight percent of all the hydrocarbons entering the atmosphere each year. Trees are very important to keep around because according to the US Department of Agricultural "one acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and put out four tons of oxygen". The leaves that grow from trees filter the air we breathe. The leaves remove the dust and as drops of rain pour down from the sky the pollutants are washed away into the ground. The leaves that bloom from the trees absorb air pollution such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide, and gives off oxygen.
People are so wind up on having these expensive wooden floors and wooden furniture, but no one really stops to think about the beautiful creatures that once lived on the wood and the babies that have been brought into the world on that piece of wood. Trees are beautiful and it breaks my heart to see them being destroyed to create products that are really not as important as the medicine, the homes, the lives, that trees have. Trees breathe oxygen just as we do and when they exhale, they let out this beautiful fresh aroma of clean oxygen that allows us to breathe in. We need our trees to keep living and stop being destroyed because they are more beneficial to the world alive than they are dead.